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Stories of fairies

I read "Stories of fairies".

Beth peeked under her pillow. She expected to see her tooth, or even a coin. But what she saw was the tiniest dress in the world.
 This book is constituted by 3 stories about fairies. The tooth fairy, the forgetful fairy, and fairy in a flap appear in this book.

 One can't cast a spell well, the other one often forgets easily, the other one always gets in a flap. The fairies who have a fault try to overcome with the fairies and animals around them. 

 They are so cool because they work very hard though they are tiny.  


 wand (手品師・魔法使いの)つえ, grumble 不平を言う、不満をもらす, sprinkle ふりかける, lift out ~を持ち上げて出す, burst into ~を突然始める, sneaky 卑怯な, swap を交換する, gulp (食べ物)をがつがつ食べる, snatch をひったくる, feast 祝宴、大宴会, forgetful 忘れっぽい, gnome 地の神, mess めちゃくちゃな(状態)、散らかす、汚くする, furious ひどく立腹した、怒り狂った, invitation 誘惑、招待, cast a spell ~ ~に魔法をかける, overjoyed 大いに喜んで, soar 空高く舞い上がる, flutter (飛ばずに)羽ばたきする, aerobatics 空中曲芸, imp 小悪魔, jeer ひやかす 



The Missing Shoes (Part 2)

I read "The Missing Shoes (Part 2)".  A girl, Sam, had lost her shoes. Her friends helped her to look for them, but they could not find them. She did not know what to do. So she sat on a bench with sadness. Then a dog came to run to her and the dog liked her. And the owner gave her shoes to her with a promise.  I thought their friends and the elderly woman were so kind and this story made me happy.   


  I read "TAXI OF TERROR".  A man, Jack, was leaving his job for the new job. His co-workers gave him a mobile phone. He didn't have it, so he was happy. After the good-by party, he got in a taxi and he had slept as soon as he got in. Suddenly, a dangerous man with a gun got in the taxi. Jack was made to stay in the boot of the taxi. However, he could help the officers to arrest the man from there.


I read   “Rumpelstiltskin” There was once a poor Miller who had a beautiful daughter. One day, he told an impossible lie to the King who loved money in order to be an essential person for the King . The lie was that his daughter could spin straw into gold. Therefore, she was taken to the castle and locked in the chamber. The King said ,“If you have not spun this straw into gold by an early hour to-morrow, you must die.” At that time, the Dwarf appeared and helped her by getting her necklace. So she wasn’t killed. And the next day, she was also helped by him by giving her ring. And the next day, she was also helped again by promising him to give her first-born child. So she got married to the King. But, when she gave birth to her first-born child, the Dwarf appeared again. I had never read this story before. I had thought that the Dwarf was a kind person, but he was horrible in the end.