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9月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

Fancy NANCY and the Too-Loose Tooth

 I read "Fancy NANCY and the Too-Loose Tooth".  Nancy and her friend were swinging on the monkey bars. And then her friend banged into a bar. Because of this, he lost a tooth which had been loose.   After that, they went to the nurse. He got a a white plastic tooth on a chain. She longed for a tooth necklace too. But she only get one if her tooth falls out at school. So, she tried to fall her tooth out at school. However, when she sneeze... I thought she was so pretty. This book remembered me my childhood. I was also excited when I lost a tooth for the first time. Vocabulary swing ぶら下がる, monkey bars ジャングルジム, ape サル, bang ぶつかる, gore 血のかたまり, snap ぱたんと閉まる, wiggle <身体(の一部)>をぴくぴく小刻みに動かす, stuck 動かない, sneeze くしゃみをする, spit into 吐き出す