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  Hello. My name is Rino Higashi. I'm from Kagoshima and live in Kumamoto now. And I'm majoring in English Language and Literature.   It has been long time since I posted the last book review. So I would like to post more blogs from today . Thank you!

Fancy NANCY and the Too-Loose Tooth

 I read "Fancy NANCY and the Too-Loose Tooth".  Nancy and her friend were swinging on the monkey bars. And then her friend banged into a bar. Because of this, he lost a tooth which had been loose.   After that, they went to the nurse. He got a a white plastic tooth on a chain. She longed for a tooth necklace too. But she only get one if her tooth falls out at school. So, she tried to fall her tooth out at school. However, when she sneeze... I thought she was so pretty. This book remembered me my childhood. I was also excited when I lost a tooth for the first time. Vocabulary swing ぶら下がる, monkey bars ジャングルジム, ape サル, bang ぶつかる, gore 血のかたまり, snap ぱたんと閉まる, wiggle <身体(の一部)>をぴくぴく小刻みに動かす, stuck 動かない, sneeze くしゃみをする, spit into 吐き出す

How to be an Alien

  I read "How to be an Alien". This book is going to make the English angry!  This book is divided into two parts and has 24 chapters.  The author wrote this book to make the English angry, but the English only said that this book was 'quite amusing'. He said he was very unhappy in the preface.  This book said to us that it is impossible for us to become the English by making a fool of the English. I liked chapter 9. It was about the language. The author wrote how to have a good accent. The way was so funny and easy.    When I found this book and looked the title, I wondered it was about how to be a creature from another world. However, this was about how to be a non-citizen. This book's author had so interesting ideas. That's why I enjoyed reading very much though this book was so long. Vocabulary preface 序文、はしがき, get off 去る, Sumerian シュメール人の, out of it 頭が混乱して、無関係で、仲間はずれで, drive on 車を走らせ続ける, Horace ホラティウス, Montaigne モンテーニュ, fight a war 戦争をする, knock down (人)をは

Big Hair Day

  I read "Big Hair Day". 'Mr Sit Down', I think. 'That's a good name for you!'  Sophia Reynolds is going to be an extra in a film. Her favorite film star appears in the film.  She was going to the filming location with a map. She told a woman where it is because she was a around there. Sophia knew the place thanks to the woman, but they accidentally took each other's bags.  Sophia went to a police station and met a police officer with beautiful eyes. She told about the accident and found a lost child.  I think everyone will not understand this book's title before you read this book. But you'll get it and be pleased with this book if you read. Vocabulary Norwich ノリッジ(英国ノーフォース州の州都), up and down 行ったり来たり、あちこちと, go over うまくいく、変わる, get out 出ていく、逃げる

Mystery Girl

  I read "Mystery Girl". Oh look! That boy in the band! I met him in town this afternoon!  This book has 4 story, Mystery Girl, True Ghost Stories, Luke's Trainers, and Rock Band.  A rock band were playing in London tonight. But, one of the band members, Phil didn't come to the hall and the other members went to find him.   At that time, Phil was busy because a girl sat next to him. Though he wanted to talked to her, she wasn't already there.   Finally, his friends found him! He got the time wrong. The band played well. Surprisingly, the girl who he met was there...  I felt poor Phil because I thought he will not get along with the mystery girl.  Vocabulary with luck あわよくば

SIX Sketches

I read "SIX Sketches". The people in them are always happy and smiling.  This book is constituted by 6 sketches.  I love "Cheese!" the best in this book. Mr.Smith runs a grocery shop. Many customers visit this shop.   A man comes to buy cheese every day. So Mr.Smith asked him whether the man liked cheese. But he didn't like cheese. Mr.Smith didn't understand him. Then, the man said he was a photographer... The man's way using cheese was interesting. Other sketches were also nice. Vocabulary sketch 小説、短編, inspector 調査する人, nil 零、ゼロ

The Surprise

I read "The Surprise". "—Think how upset they would be if we didn't go." "Think how upset Lucky will be if he comes home and we're not here," said Ben.  This story is about Ben in a wheelchair and his missing cat.  One day, his father said that he had a surprise to him and his sister. The surprise was a kitten. A woman who had the kitten had a cat and two tiny kittens. So Ben and his sister asked their father to have them both and his father accepted. They looked after them well every day.  One Friday evening his father was going to take Ben and his sister to stay with their aunt and uncle with their kittens. When his father put Ben's wheelchair in the car boot, he left the front door of the house open. He did't see one of their kittens slip out into the garden...  I was surprised at a cat's whereabouts. Vocabulary strap ~をひもで縛る、固定する, pant 息を切らす、息を切らして歩く, cuddly 抱きしめたくなるような、かわいい, mischievous いたずら好きな, slip out こっそりと動く、そっと通り抜ける, fuss (些細な

Lucky Break

I read "Lucky Break". Laurel Rowe's foot hits Tom's crutch—and suddenly she is falling,too!  A winter afternoon in Los Angeles, Tom was playing in a foot ball game. Suddenly, somebody pushes him and he broke his leg. A week later, he went to the movie theater to look his favorite movie star, Laurel Rowe.  There was a crowd of fans in the street. When a long car arrived, the crowd moves and pushed him. Then, Laurel Rowe's foot hit his crutch and she was very angry.  He was not a famous player, but it was interesting that he became famous by her and his crutch. I was surprised at her behavior because I thought she was a kind person. Vocabulary autograph サイン、自筆, auction 競売、オークション 

Lisa in London

I read "Lisa in London". Now! My English lesson, please.  This book was like a comic.    A girl, Lisa went to London to learn English. The day after her arriving, she was going to the Alpha School in Delmore Street.  Where she thought the school was a studio. So Michael who was a photographer told her come in and took pictures.  It was misunderstanding but, his boss was pleased with her. So Michael asked  her to be a model again.  It was interesting. I did't realize that Lisa and Michael loved each other.  Vocabulary hostel (青年旅行者用の)ホステル、簡易宿泊所, er えー、あー、あのう

The Winner

I read "The Winner". Hannah, I love him, and you're my best friend. Can you please be ill tomorrow?  Kara loved Leonardo DiCaprio and had two best friends Mark and Hanna. Kara alwasys talks about Leonardo. Mark and Hannah asked her not to talk about him.  One day, a television decided to give a student a chance to be on TV and meet Leonardo DiCaprio. They all applied for it, Hannah got the chance. But Kara became the reserve...  I also think friends are very important. However I could't agree with their decision. Vocabulary  starfish ヒトデ, jellyfish クラゲ   

Stories of fairies

I read " Stories of fairies". Beth peeked under her pillow. She expected to see her tooth, or even a coin. But what she saw was the tiniest dress in the world.  This book is constituted by 3 stories about fairies. The tooth fairy, the forgetful fairy, and fairy in a flap appear in this book.  One can't cast a spell well, the other one often forgets easily, the other one always gets in a flap. The fairies who have a fault try to overcome with the fairies and animals around them.   They are so cool because they work very hard though they are tiny.   Vocabulary  wand (手品師・魔法使いの)つえ, grumble 不平を言う、不満をもらす, sprinkle ふりかける,  lift out ~を持ち上げて出す, burst into ~を突然始める, sneaky 卑怯な, swap を交換する, gulp (食べ物)をがつがつ食べる, snatch をひったくる, feast 祝宴、大宴会, forgetful 忘れっぽい, gnome 地の神, mess めちゃくちゃな(状態)、散らかす、汚くする, furious ひどく立腹した、怒り狂った, invitation 誘惑、招待, cast a spell ~ ~に魔法をかける, overjoyed 大いに喜んで, soar 空高く舞い上がる, flutter (飛ばずに)羽ばたきする, aerobatics 空中曲芸, imp 小悪魔, jeer ひやかす 

The Great Tulip Trade

I read "The Great Tulip Trade". Anna's father took her aside. "Am I stupid not to want to trade?" asked Anna.  There was a girl who loved tulips' round shape, bright color, and slim green leaves. But in Holland in 1636, everyone loved tulips! And that made tulips worth more than almost anything.  One spring morning, she begged her father to let her have some tulips for her birthday. He gave her eight tulips which she chose.  She planted them in a window box. Then some people tried to trade her for what they had. Vocabulary  wheelbarrow 手押し車, window box (窓の外側に置いた)植木鉢, peddler 行商人, pan 平なべ, gasp はっと息をのむ, heaped 山盛りの=heaping, coach 観光用バス, squeal キーキー言う, lean out (of) the window 窓から身を乗り出す, step back 距離を置いて考える, explode 激昂して言う, take aside (人)をわきに呼ぶ, florin フロリン銀貨,

The Sweetest Spring

I read "The Sweetest Spring".  The house is ready to welcome spring. Sharing the chores is the sweetest thing.  Snow White, Ariel, Jasmine, Aurora, Cinderella, and Belle appear in this book.  Winter is over and it is spring now. 6 princesses wait for and prepares for spring.  Belle plants some seeds. And she waits and waits for days and hours.   I thought it interesting that each princess does the each sweetest thing for spring.  Vocabulary puddle 水たまり, slumber (すやすや)眠る、眠り

Guri and Gura's Picnic Adventure

I read "Guri and Gura's Picnic Adventure". "Rolling, rolling, rolling.  Rolling, rolling, don't fall down. We never give up, 'cos we are Guri and Gura. We'll keep on rolling right to the end. Guri and Gura, that's us, yeah!"  I also read one of Guri and Gura' series!!     Seaside adventure→ https://rinojsmn33.blogspot.com/2020/07/guri-and-guras-seaside-adventure.html  One sunny day, Guri and Gura went for a little picnic. They had big knapsacks for lunch. Coming to a field, when Guri wanted to have lunch, it was only 10. So Gura set the alarm for 12 and they decided to exercise till 12. Then, they found a long piece of yarn.  I was afraid of meeting the owner of yarn. But I was relieved. Vocabulary  stump (木の)切り株, hop over ひょいと飛び越す, plow through かき分けて進む, terward あとで、その後, yarn 織物用糸、編み物用糸, hook 引っ掛ける, wind 巻きつく, cos=because, rose bush バラの木, unravel ほどける、ほつれる,   

The Best Mistake Ever! And Other Stories

  I read "The Best Mistake Ever!, A Visit to Mr. Fixit, and Best Friends. Then she unpacked the bags."Huckle! This is party food! I did not want these things!"   This book was constitutes 3 stories. Every stories are Huckle Cat's daily life.   Huckle often jumps to conclusions, but almost what he does goes well. One day, he helped his mother by going to the store. However, he forgot to take the shopping list which his mother wrote for him. At the store, his best friend Lowly Worm was, too. Though Lowly helped him to buying what he needed, they bought unnecessary things.  I thought Huckle and Lowly are very good friends. And I supposed they will be best friends forever. Vocabulary  dust ほこりをとる, unpack (包みなど)を解く  

Guri and Gura's Seaside Adventure

I read "Guri and Gura's Seaside Adventure".   "If only we could swim," says Guri. "Yes, if only we could swim like that," says Gura. "You can!" says the Sea Giant."  Just dive in and give it all you've got!"  This is one of Guri and Gura's books in English. I loved  this series when I was a little child, so I chose this.  One day, Guri and Gura was playing at the beach and found an old wine bottle. There were a letter from The Sea Giant, a map and two little swimming-tubes in it. They did't know who he was, but they were going to meet him.  Just then, they saw someone waving at them. He was The Sea Giant! And they helped him and he taught them how to swim.   I did't know The Sea Giant was a human or not. The pictures of this book was very cute and I missed my childhood. Vocabulary  all of a sudden 突然に、急に、不意に, shore 岸、海岸, wriggle 体・体の一部をくねらす, squeak チューチュー鳴く, budge (物が)ちょっと動く, tug 引く、引っ張る 

Zombies In Tokyo

I read "Zombies In Tokyo".   You have a safe place to sleep, and food for eat. However, you are alone again. You don't know if you should laugh or cry.   This book is one of the series which I had never read. The name of the series is "The Atama-ii series". And we can be a main character and choose the story's fate.   I lived and worked in a big city, Tokyo. There were a lot of people. But, I was always lonely and sometimes I did't smile all day b ecause I led the same life.  One morning, I left my home and felt something different.  Surprisingly, the street were really quiet and there were no people, no cars and nothing. I couldn't understand my situation well.  Suddenly, a police car came and shouted, "Off the street!". "Go home, lock your door!" I wanted to ask him why should I go home, but it was too late and he was gone.  I did't understand the situation and I went to the station. Then I met a family. Though I tried to go

Stone Soup

I read "Stone Soup".  This story is about an elderly woman and a man who was hungry. One day, he came to her house and said, "I can cook a delicious soup with this stone." It is so suspicious, but she believed in him.  When he cooked, he asked her to prepare a lot of ingredients to make the soup more delicious. He added them into the soup and cooked delicious soup. However, this stone didn't play a role. In other words, he just cooked the soup with the ingredients which she prepared.  I thought he is so dirty. And if the woman knew the fact, she will be surprised and angry.

A Monster on the Street (Part 2)

I read "A Monster on the Street (Part 2)" .  This story is about Mouse and his friends. One day, the piano was lumbering on the street. Somehow, Mouse was on the piano! His friends tried to stop it by throwing the jumpers which they wore into the middle of the road. Fortunately, the piano stopped moving thanks of them. By the time a small crowd had come to see what all the fuss was about. One of his friends' mother was also there. She said, "You are all so kind. You children must come to tea! But, children worried about her unique dishes. 

A Rat for Mouse

I read "A Rat for Mouse" .  Mouse wanted another pet because he didn't like his shy hamster which was loved by everyone except for him so much. And, his parents accepted buying a new pet and he went to the pet shop with his father. They looked at some kinds of pet, however, nothing seemed quite right for him. Then he saw a rat. As soon as he saw it, he cried, "This is what I want!". But his father said, "But Mouse," with an unsatisfactory look on his face. The shopkeeper recommended buying it, so they decided to buy it.  When his mother saw it, her mouth fell open, "That is a rat!". The rat never bit only Mouse and stayed everywhere together.  But the rat was not sure about anyone else and sank his teeth into Mouse's friend's finger one day.

The Missing Shoes (Part 2)

I read "The Missing Shoes (Part 2)".  A girl, Sam, had lost her shoes. Her friends helped her to look for them, but they could not find them. She did not know what to do. So she sat on a bench with sadness. Then a dog came to run to her and the dog liked her. And the owner gave her shoes to her with a promise.  I thought their friends and the elderly woman were so kind and this story made me happy.   

The Global Lounge

Yesterday, I went to the Global Lounge to see how it is like. There are kind staff, many kinds of DVDs, books and games and so on. I know it is a nice place to improve my English. Then, I booked a tutoring secession. I'm looking forward to participating in it. And there are many DVDs which I want to watch. So I would like to go again as soon as possible. I watched Fuller house halfway through. Next time, I want to watch more.


  I read "TAXI OF TERROR".  A man, Jack, was leaving his job for the new job. His co-workers gave him a mobile phone. He didn't have it, so he was happy. After the good-by party, he got in a taxi and he had slept as soon as he got in. Suddenly, a dangerous man with a gun got in the taxi. Jack was made to stay in the boot of the taxi. However, he could help the officers to arrest the man from there.